Always Keep the Faith Artwork

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Complete Artwork

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Sharin' Jesus Artwork

Sharin' Jesus

Sharin' Jesus Artwork

Originally released in vinyl record form, this album continues to be an absolute favorite among band concert audiences, simply because it includes the group's ministry hit "The Closet". In fact, it is perhaps the group's most requested song. There are many other fine selections here, like the ever popular "You've Got To take Him Into Your Heart" and "Havin' Fun", so don't miss getting one. In the early days the group sang with a strong nasal twang, so be prepared for that "unique" quality on this recording. Many of the songs included are played very fast with a lot of energy. It's the original trio, with all the bluegrass instruments included.


01There's So Many2:22
02Havin' Fun2:21
03I've Got Jesus2:54
04When He Comes to Take Me Home2:35
05The Closet3:47
06Jesus' Eyes2:44
07There's Nothing I Would Rather Do2:19
08Your Special Friend2:51
09You've Got to Take Him Into Your Heart2:20
10Closer to Thee3:24
11Hey! Hey! What Can I Say2:18